Wonderland Tea Party

Proceeds support enrichment programs within both school districts

Wonderland Tea PartyHear Ye, Hear Ye! Your royal majesty the Queen of Hearts cordially invites you to join us in Wonderland for tea benefitting The Education Foundation. Don’t be late for this very important date!


Ages: 4-14 Years


Limited Tickets are available for $25.00 per person and children must be accompanied by an adult.

Call or text Melissa Charles at (865) 607-4110 for more information.

APRIL 4, 2020
2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

To be held at The Kincaid House,
710 Eagle Bend Road,
Clinton, Tennessee 37716

For more information,
please email info@theeducationfoundation.info.

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