2019 Health And Wellness Grants Awarded

2019 Health and Wellness Grants

2019 Health And Wellness Grants Awarded

The Education Foundation is proud to announce the winners of the 2019 Health & Wellness Grants listed below. Thank you to each and every sponsor from the Clinton 5K for your support of Clinton City and Anderson County Schools!

SchoolProject NameTeacher(s)
Clinton Elementary SchoolUltimate Challenge Course for Climbing WallTerri Kerley
North Clinton ElementaryMovement MatsJyl Smithson
North Clinton ElementaryHop Into LiteracyLynn Neal
North Clinton ElementaryCalming CornerAmanda Patterson
South Clinton ElementaryNinja Warrior 3.0Leslie Tumblin
South Clinton ElementaryCalming CornerAmanda Patterson
Dutch Valley Elementary SchoolGAGA PitCarrie Giles & Danielle Mitchell
Fairview Elementary SchoolBike & Bounce for Better BodiesMarcia Wade
Lake City Middle SchoolWater Filling StationTim Miller
Norwood Middle SchoolIntroduction to Strength TrainingMatt Abba
Anderson County Career & Technical CenterFitness Equipment for Pre-SchoolJen Cooper

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